Catholic probe of the church’s history was first reported by BBC News website.

After a week-long inquiry, the Pope himself wrote in an open letter to the Vatican that the Church is guilty of „the most serious violation of the most fundamental principles of Christian doctrine since Adam”.

„Since the Church was founded centuries ago, it has been guilty of many sins, not least the sacrilege of immorality… It is with great reluctance that the Holy Father, in his letter, addresses us at this early stage to condemn the Church for these offenses.

„We can see now the grave crimes committed by centuries of Roman Pontiffs and it is by their impiety that a Church such as ours has been brought to its present predicament.”

„The great sin we face today, against which so many of you have dedicated yourselves, is not only an abuse of public power, but is also a sin against God’s co더킹카지노mmand in the New Testament to love God with all of one’s heart and soul.”

The Pope then urged „responsible persons, who, like him, are all of us, to bring the Holy Father an end to the current political scandal”.

He said: „It is with deep regret that I can once again declare myself to be ‚concerned about the si더킹카지노tuation of the Church of jarvees.comour Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ and of the Catholic Church’.”

In the full letter he said he could no longer, in good conscience, call on the faithful to vote for the „new Pope” in March, as „they cannot and must not commit it, in their hearts, to our God, our Lord Jesus Christ.”

The letter did not specifically refer to „the latest allegations made against Benedict”, but the Holy Father indicated that the current investigations „give rise to some doubts, the very same doubts we are currently having about the future of the Holy See itself.”

He then announced that he had decided to resign as „it is more and more difficult in the life of a man to remain faithful to his Church,” saying „now that we have reached this cross, let us seek, with humility and with great love, the forgiveness of the Father, whose wrath, he says, he will not yield.”

He said he „remains in my office as a father of children and grandchildren to whom the Holy Father says: ‚If you seek grace and mercy with the Father through my Son, believe on him’…”

Pope Francis took the decision on Saturday after his persona